4 myths about digital marketing
In an industry that is constantly changing due to the’the accelerated technological advance of the last few years, it is difficult to’It is important to establish with clarity some phenomena due to the progress of this sector of activity’As a result of this movement, various questions and myths arise about certain activities, digital marketing is not a good idea’has not been the’This is why it’s normal that some ideas that deserve to be on a Facebook page are not’be analyzed have also arisen.
Myth #1: Businesses need to be on top of their game’a Facebook page
S’It is true that Facebook remains the social network par excellence, companies must keep in mind that it is a very important part of their business’mind that people don’t’Don’t use this page to search for a business, which you can’t find on the Internet’They access it to view publications, view and download photos, interact with friends and family, creating a very personal social environment where businesses are not a priority or a necessary part of that atmosphere.
This does not mean that companies should not open a page on Facebook (or close it), but it is clear that keeping this page very active should not be the priority, because it would mean investing a lot of money’important resources in something that doesn’t have a lot of value’It is not a priority in the digital marketing campaign as it could be’be your own website.
Myth #2: Email marketing is obsolete
Taking this fact for granted would be a big mistake, especially if the’we take into account that’there are more people with email accounts than people with Facebook accounts (in the U.S., 91% of the population has an email account, while only 71% have a Facebook account) and that’It is not possible to determine which is better or worse because each performs specific functions of an email’a tweet or a message in terms of sales promotion.
However, companies must understand that e-mail is something very personal to each individual, so be careful when using the e-mail campaign’It is important to use e-mail marketing to avoid invading this personal space or falling into spam with constant mailings to the public’which, far from being a problem, is a problem for the user’The intention to interest the recipient, can be boring and remote.
Myth #3: A successful social media campaign is one with lots of clicks.
As for the’e-mail marketing, Measured personalization is necessary, personalization in which reaching the right people is the key to success’main objective of the campaign.
For clarity, if you launch a sales campaign in which 10,000 people clicked on the website, that number would only be good if the people who came to the’made with the’intention to’If you don’t have the right people to buy and finalize the transaction, otherwise you only have a lot of clicks that don’t pay off.
A campaign that focuses on customizing your strategy to reach the right people in the right way and create the right environment for the sale to take place will certainly be more effective than one that is not’A campaign that tries to entertain everyone.
Myth #4: Traditional marketing is outdated.
S’It is true that digital marketing is constantly growing, we must not forget that’it is only’a part of’a global strategy to reach your goals.
Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, both must be complemented to join forces and thus effectively reach the largest number of potential consumers, there are various digital tools with low cost and great flexibility and immediacy, these are not compared to the best and oldest form of marketing available, the word of mouth.
Always keep in mind’think of these techniques as resources at your fingertips that complement each other so that you can get what you want. If you apply them with cunning and good judgment, it’is like having a hammer and a screwdriver, they don’t have to be’s certainly have no point of comparison, it is not possible to determine what is the most important thing’It is not possible to determine what is better or worse because each one performs specific functions of the other’a specific way, and they fulfill them well. The same is true with these tools and many more’If you want to get the best results for yourself and your projects, you need to know how to use them.