The decline of the press in France: less and less media and more and more “silence” every day
As the prints decrease and the Wallpaper Media lose advertising, they become more and more dependent on public aid.
The decline of the press in Europe and France
The written press has been in crisis for a long time. Il n’There is not a little one who blame the’Internet for the crisis in which it finds itself plunged, although the truth is that studies have shown that the network n’that is’A final chapter D’A problem that comes back much further. During the 20th century, the’appearance of new means of communication S’is succeeded, faster and more attractive means, which have gradually replaced the newspapers.
But in recent years, things have worsened. The crisis in which the press was plunged’is aggravated under the’Effect of economic crisis. Newspapers have reduced the draw and the number of pages, maintained d’first and then increased the prices of the number, put themselves on the defensive against the’The Internet instead of thinking about what it involved (and perhaps the best example is the Spanish cannon Aede) and have returned and/or pre-save their journalists.
All of this has made their newspapers lose quality and readers find them less attractive.
Newspapers s’break into their own problems. In fact, just’Buy a newspaper on Sunday, especially if we’has not bought it for a long time, to understand the’state of things. The number of pages will be much lower, the price will be much higher and the content will not necessarily be of high quality either.
Il n’is not surprising to discover that the drawing of newspapers in Spain n’forever been so low. What the four main general practitioners of Madrid are currently distributing is slightly lower than the most important distributed in terms of circulation of the four 10 years ago.
And if the draw decreases (just like the direct sale of numbers) and if the advertising revenues do the same (the figures show a fall), the media must find d’other sources of income.
Paper supports do not find their place
The internet could be an alternative to the downfall of the print media, but whether mainstream media really understands how the format works is questionable. D’A certain way, they tried to transplant what is happening on paper in what is happening online (although it does not work exactly in this way). Models D’Subscription that the media have always implemented n’Nor did it particularly well work (and it is often surprising to discover how and what’They try to pay).
If the advertising of always does not work and on the internet yet they’have not managed to find their place, what remains ?
Readers seem to have a fairly clear idea when’They analyze and criticize the media coverage of the’News in the printed media. Just look at the comments that’They publish online (and even the coverage of certain subjects) to see it. The media depend more and more on their major advertisers, brands and companies that have a decisive weight in their accounts, as well as institutional advertising and subsidy campaigns.
The weight of the public subsidy
This last point is clearly visible if the’We analyze the weight of subsidies with cultural content in the panorama of the written press of certain autonomous communities (and if the’We then monitor what the media benefiting from the same publication publish). In much more local cuffs, dependence on’regard for L’public aid is clearly visible when the party changes to the mayor’s office. S’They depended too much on’help that brought them’previous government team, they would most likely embark on a media war against the new team.
In France, the fact that the written press has a problem of dependence on the’public funding and campaigning is such an obvious problem that even the New York Times devoted an analysis to it (an analysis, by the way, that caused the media to get on the defensive instead of’examine their conscience).
A study by Telos magazine stresses that in the regional press, titles can access cultural or linguistic aid, but the criteria are blurred and we do not know’They really encourage these contents or s’They are directly an oxygen ball to make these media survive. But the clearest data to understand this increasing dependence are perhaps data on investment of public organizations in times of crisis in the media. The advertising market s’collapsed.
I’Help does’did not.
I’information is biased
And all of this has a direct impact on how it is reported. As popular wisdom says: we do not bit the hand that nourishes. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we end up moderating how and what is published.
If L’we add to this the fact that the crisis has had an impact on the workforce’work (which has less time and can work less in depth), we can better understand the final panorama. Render’quality information is more difficult and than this’is not much more complicated.
Just look at’where the great political scandals of recent times come to’account for. Large exclusive people are starting to be in digital technology.
Internet jump
The Spanish media internet has been almost forced after years and years’Insecurity and D’uncertainty. However, models’online affairs are very far from traditional models to survive and proliferate in the new digital era without having to use institutional favors. Press freedom is much more difficult to maintain.
Above all, L’The Internet can be an indicator of the true reality of the media, even revealing the shame of many major newspapers. In fact, some major Spanish media would fall at the bottom of the same abyss if their paper editions ceased to’exist overnight. D’others, however, and against all odds, have gained the confidence of new digital audiences by becoming examples of success.
The key, without a doubt, is the strong conviction of’quality journalism, transparent and not subject to the interests of’Political or institutional entities. Ignacio Escolar himself, journalist and founder of Diario.Es, explains in an interesting video, his economic model, his accounts and the philosophy of his head.
Internet and media to disinform
However, internet n’was not at L’shelter of problems of the real world and the dressed traditional written press. In recent years, “media and ghost heads” with extreme ideological shades have appeared from nowhere, with the sole purpose of disinforming and becoming propaganda tools. VS’is a logical thing to wait, in order to’reach the youngest audiences, because they are the ones who’have not consumed the traditional press for years and for whom the Internet is their means of’usual information.
Internet is a news bomber and D’daily information. Minute per minute and almost in real time, the Internet offers the possibility of giving the’Information one more’instantaneousness. But also a medium, where despite the large volume of’information, it is still difficult to differentiate the lies from the truth.
VS’is a fact that the traditional press saw its agony and its last days of glory, but beware, those who do not respect this profession and those who n’have l’intention to sell to the most offender, also decided to’Install in this new digital environment.