What does the IP address 127 mean.0.0.1 (Localhost) ?

You wonder that means http: // ? This notation can confuse by mixing the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol) protocols). The first is usually used in the form http: // example.com and the second is written (IPV4) or 2001: 4860: 4860 :: 8888 (IPv6). Anyway, is the default IPV4 address of the local or localhost host.


What is the meaning of the IP 127 address.0.0.1 ?

IP address refers to a logical interface of your own machine which is commonly called localhost (local host). In general, your terminal seeks to contact a computer or server on the Internet by calling an IP address. However, you establish communication with your own system via the IP 127 address.0.0.1.

Besides, the IPV4 127 address beach.0.0.0/8 is reserved for the localhost (that is to say, all the IP addresses ranging from to

What is the difference between and localhost ? is an IPV4 address reserved for localhost, but may or may not be used. You can completely replace the default address with another in the dedicated beach 127.X.X.X. On the other hand, the Localhost logical interface is essential on a computer using the IP protocol. You can also create several hosts.

In this case, each premises (n) will have its own IP 127 address.0.0.not.

Logic remains the same with the IPv6. The default closure address becomes only “:: 1” for compatible devices. On the other hand, it is possible to create other premises according to the needs of the machine and the local network. You can thus assign as many IPv6 addresses as necessary for the LocalHost1, LocalHost2, LocalHost3 servers ..

What is the used for ?

Address is mainly used for loopback and its various applications. This utility is also found in the name of the beach by the RFC 1122 and the Iana (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). In both cases, block 127 immediately refers to a closure address (that is, hosted by the local host).

The IP will therefore not allow you to access the web, but to the virtual interface of your own computer.

To send a ping to the local host, you can also use the associated IPV4 address. Just enter “Ping “In the Windows command prompt or the macOS terminal. On the other hand, you can assign this IP address to the domain name of a site that you wish to block.

However, this operation requires intervening at the “Hosts” file. Once the modification is made, the browser will seek the website targets at, the internal loop IP.

How to know your IP ?

To discover the IP of Localhost, the simplest solution is to do a ping test from the command prompt. You only have to type “Localhost ping” to launch the operation. The program will necessarily use the IP address of the localhost in the results. You can, for example, get in IPv6:

  • Sending a “ping” request to a computer-example [:: 1] with 32 data bytes (response from :: 1: time<1 ms, response from :: 1: time<1 ms Response from :: 1: time<1 ms…);
  • Ping statistics for :: 1 (packets sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0);
  • Approximate duration of Milliseconds loops (minimum, maximum and average).

In this case, the IPv6 address of the local host is its default value, namely “:: 1”. However, you will have to enter “IPCONFIG” in the command prompt, if you rather want to know the IP address of your computer. You will then discover information relating to your connection, including your IPV4 and IPv6 addresses.